Back after a month of hospitals and therapy, but actually back teaching - now for something different
a japanese composition term in design &pictorialcomposition - "Notan" has been making the rounds lately and caught my attention and explains why some art "works" better than others.. Why teach it, because simply it makes sense. How to Make Stronger Compositions Using Lights and Darks
Many cultures throughout history have created artwork using both styles, design &pictorial, although the actual term Notan appeared a lot later. there are actually two approaches to Notan: the first approach is mainly pictorial while the second is more akin to graphic design
Art III - This is the senior-level class where you create five original, portfolio quality works that showcase your original ideas. At the end of the semester, you will prepare your own art exhibit to showcase these works! Outside time on art projects will be a part of the evaluation process. (Advanced Art can be taken after successful completion - A or B - in of one of the following: Art II, Ceramics, Drawing or Painting.)